
Abdominal separation after pregnancy

Abdominal separation after pregnancy

Being a new (or even not so new) mum can feel like a challenge at times. Instinctively your baby comes first, but that can leave little time to take care of yourself.  For 9 months you felt your body change and adapt in amazing ways and now your beautiful baby has arrived. But some mums find their body now feels different or even unfamiliar; and just when it seems like the pressure is on to get back in shape quickly, some old exercise go-to’s just don’t feel right postnatally, or don’t work the way they used to.  

This article focuses on just what goes on in the abdomen in the postanatal period and onward and how it can impact so much more than your waistline. In particular we will look at abdominal separation and aim to give you a practical understanding of the things you can do (and avoid) to make sure you are supporting your body and getting back to fitness safely!